Sunday, January 3, 2010

Noche de rabanos

Its amazing what one idea unveils... I was planning tonights dinner wondering what vegetarian option I could utilize. (The original idea was sausage and garlic mash with onion gravy). I had bought some large portebello mushrooms which I had planned to pan fry and fill with balsamic glazed onions and thyme. I then remembered that I had bought a huge bunch of fresh radishes and the idea of roasting them as a side dish came into play....So I searched through google to see if there was any recipes that took my fancy and found out that Mexico celebrate Noche de rabanos (night of radishes). A festival that is celebrated on the eve of December 23rd, where the combination of agriculture and traditional folk art takes place. Radishes are transformed into sculptures ranging from individual figures to huge representations of grand events. So tonights dinner is a homage to the noche de rabanos minus the sculptures!!!

Many of the recipes that I reviewed had an oriental element to them incorporating soy sauce, sesame oil and chilli, which sounds amazing, but for the purpose of tonights meal I will roasted them with a little salt, chilli, olive oil and some smoked paprika. Roasted at 350 for 30 minutes should do it.

On reflection they tasted awesome, sweet and mild whilst still retaining some of their bite. The bitter taste that you sometimes get when eaten raw was eliminated and as you put the little rose jewel in your mouth it burst with flavor. These will definitely be making a regular appearance at our dinner table.

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